Welcome Text

EASTs Home School group is an inclusive support group located in La Porte, Texas. We offer Enrichment, Academic, and Socialization for teens and their siblings. We currently have a weekly co-op, field trips, and a monthly mom's night out.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Settling Into a Routine

Another great week at EASTS Co-op!  I think our new families are fitting in beautifully, and everyone is settling into a routine and getting to know one another.  Some of our families even had a swim party on Saturday for some extra social time.  Luckily the pool was heated, because it was chilly outside!

Lord of the Rings literature class had a unit test, and although I haven't graded all of them yet, I am seeing improvement in scores compared to the last two tests.  Strength Training class started recording how much weight they are using and how many reps they are completing, so they can track their progress over the semester.  P.E. class played a fun Valentine's day version of tag, and Walking Club walked all the way to Five Points Plaza and back.  Math/Science games worked on 3-D shapes and their components (corners, sides, etc.).  Computer Hardware class took apart a hard drive to see how it works--and they learned that doing so renders it useless--while Make-It class made masks in honor of the Mardi Gras celebration that just passed.  The best part of the day, for me at least, was having a nice, hot lunch prepared by the Cooking class.  The lasagna was delicious, and it saved me from having to rush home to make lunch for my family!

See you on Thursday!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Biosphere 1 Recycling Center

This weeks field trip was to the Biosphere 1 Recycling Center in Texas City. It was a bit rainy, but our tour went as scheduled.

Our tour guide, Cindy, explained that Texas City accepts aluminum cans, food cans, assorted metal, plastic, paper, cardboard, untreated wood, glass, tires, motor and cooking oil, anti-freeze, computers, televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, and batteries for recycling. To drop off trash for the landfill you have to live in the city, but they'll take recycling from anyone.

Our tour was very informative. I even learned who to call to dispose of road kill! (The answer is Animal Control). Also, a real find--Texas City will give you free mulch--you don't even have to be a resident. She said you could come three times a week to pick up mulch or compost. She said the local landscapers do it all the time.

Friday, February 8, 2013

So Far, So Good!

I am so excited about our co-op!  We've gained three new families this semester, and are now serving a total of 21 young people.  I know that in my Lord of the Rings literature class, adding in a few more people really has livened things up.  A special thanks to Bev for bringing the name tags so everyone can learn the names of the new folks, and they can learn ours.

One of the things we have decided to do is assist our host institution, St. John's Episcopal Church, in one of their ministries.  St. John's runs an after school program serving underpriveledged children in La Porte.  The children in the program get help with homework, plus enrichment activities, and a place where they are under the supervision of adults who care about them while their parents are working in the afternoons.  The director of the the program and the board of directors have identified 59 children who go hungry for some portion of the weekends because there is not enough food in the home.  The director got those kids enrolled in Backpacks for Kids, and our co-op families help by packing the bags with the food given to us by the director.  This past week, Ms. Buskirk had the children who receive the bags come in to say thank you to us.  I cried a little.  (of course, my own children would say that's pretty normal--I am a leaky little faucet)  I would like it if some opporunity came up for us to serve them further, because I love participating in activities that further people's personal development.  I mean, really, it's why I homeschool!

Anyway, that same day, the cooking class made a yummy tortilla soup!  There was plenty of soup, so I invited Father Reid and his wife, Marie, down to eat.  I was so glad they took us up on it, although I wished I had introduced them to everyone, and everyone to them.  We were all cleaning up and trying to get out of there, so I didn't get the chance.  They really liked the soup, so maybe we can invite them again another time, and introductions can be made.  But maybe some other time.

I am just beside myself to see the vision that was placed in my heart and head coming to fruition!  I know we are serving some families in the co-op that for various reasons do not feel like they belong in other homeschool groups, and that is an issue very close to my heart.  Everyone needs a place to belong, and so far our group is a fantastic mix of people of different ethnicities and beliefs.  So far, we are all getting along and being respectful of one another.  So far, it looks like there is a lot of learning and having fun going on (see previous posts for photos!).

So far, life is good EASTS this semester.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mercury Orchestra Field Trip

Today's field trip was to the Wortham Center for a free concert by Mercury Orchestra. They played Vivaldi's Four Seasons with some narration and acting to make it more interesting for their target audience of 4th to 6th graders. The conductor wore wild red curly hair to mimic Vivaldi himself. It was a nice touch. I took a photo of the orchestra--the figure running away is the conductor. And then the girls next to me.